The Association of Independent Oil Producing and Refining Organizations of Kazakhstan

Consolidation of efforts, protection and promotion of interests of independent subsoil users and oil refining companies by forming an open dialogue with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Promoting the efforts of independent subsoil users and refining organizations to achieve sustainable development and efficient production
Main tasks:
Represent, promote, protect and uphold the interests of independent subsoil users and refining organizations in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Take a major role in resolving OPOs issues of concern
Contribute to strengthening the status of OPOs as key players in the oil and gas market of Kazakhstan
The monthly newsletter
contains key information about the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan, intended for professionals and government agencies.
Monthly Newsletter
April 2024
Monthly Newsletter
March 2024
Monthly Newsletter
February 2024
Monthly Newsletter
January 2024
Oil-producing organizations
  • 85
    Independent subsoil user company and joint ventures with KMG, producing oil in the Republic of Kazakhstan (excluding the three operators and KMG)
  • 20,9%
    Share of OPOs in oil and gas condensate production in Kazakhstan in 2022 (or 17.6 million tonnes in absolute terms)
  • Over 43,000
    Total number of OPOs employees in five oil and gas regions of Kazakhstan
  • 57
    OPOs were exporting oil in 2022
  • 2.4 trillion
    Amount of tax payments in tenge for 2020-2022


Transparent and clear mechanisms and rules should be developed for the distribution of quotas when approving oil transportation schedules, in particular, an increase in export quotas.
Establish transparent and equitable rules on access to refineries for refining purposes
Elaborate scenarios for a phased transition to market conditions in the domestic market of oil and petroleum products

OPOs problem questions

Lack of equal access to refineries and monopolization of the oil products market
Absence of a transparent mechanism for quota distribution and access to trunk pipelines and transport infrastructure in the oil export case
Decline in OPOs production entails an increase in the Competent Authority's obligation to supply oil to the domestic market in percentage terms (70% or more)
Loss of profits caused by lower domestic market prices, which OPOs could have invested in maintaining output levels and restocking the resource base

Membership in Association

Membership in the Association requires:
Written application to the Association
Contact details for communication with the Association (contact person, actual address, e-mail, phone number, etc.)

Message from the President of the PetroMining Association

Sayat Boranbekov
    © PetroMining 2024
    Sayat Boranbekov
    President of the Association
    Operational address for correspondence:
    Astana city, 010009, Gabiden Mustafin street, 21/5, apt. 178
    Yaromir Rabay
    Executive Director

    Kuandyk Akerke
    Office Assistant